NKG's excellent design is based on fluid dynamics and the optimum balance
between the casing and the impeller to produces a smooth air flow.
As a result of the optimum balance between the casing and the impeller, our Power Saving fans achieve a maximum efficiency of 88%. We are proud to say that this puts us in the top class for efficiency in the industry all over the world This high efficiency enables you to achieve a reduction of about 10 to 30% of electric power consumption by replacing your existing fan with one of NKG’s FANs.
This reason is that NKG’s excellent design is based on fluid dynamics to produces a smooth air flow.
Consequently, compared to general fans, they consume less electricity for the same flow volume and pressure.
As a result, you can save running cost.
Also, noise and vibration can be decreased.
Due to our fans are custom-made designs, we can make suitable fans not only for new installation but also to increase the capacity of existing fans to replace obsolete fans. We can also design fans to match the size of those existing fans.
Therefore, we can replace existing fans without changing existing ducts and foundation.
Also, we can use existing motors.
As a result, you can save construction cost and period.